27 марта, 2024

Also possible with Mpox myocarditis


  • Mpox disease (formerly known as monkeypox) may be associated with acute myocarditis in some patients and should prompt further investigation.
  • Since the number of patient numbers/reports was small, more research is needed.

Why this matters

  • It is important to include Mpox in differential diagnosis of myocarditis, especially in patients at risk (e.g.men who have sex with several male partners) who present with chest pain.

Key results

  • 3 adult men presenting with PCR-confirmed mpox lesions developed 2–5  Days after the onset of symptomatic Mpox, acute chest pain, palpitations and fever.
  • Abnormalities on ECG and transthoracic echocardiography, usually associated with myocarditis, were reported in 2  patients identified, and a cardiac _- MRI showed at 1  Patients with segmental myocarditis. For all 3  Patients have been observed with elevated cardiac markers and biological inflammatory syndrome.
  • Differential diagnosis for sexually transmitted infections and other etiologies was negative.
  • All 3  Patients received cardioprotective treatment, with 1 also receiving tecovirimate.
  • Chest pain and abnormal laboratory values subsided in all cases and a favorable result was achieved.No further coronary examinations were performed.

Study design

  • Descriptive case series of mpox-induced myocarditis in 3 monkeypox-infected patients in France
  • Funding: None


  • Small number of cases
  • Inability to assess the risk of progression to chest pain in the context of mpox-related myocarditis

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Source — https://www.univadis.de/viewarticle/auch-bei-mpox-myokarditis-moglich

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