16 ноября, 2022

Asl Nuoro, the new methods of assistance for Tao patients are operational

Rome, 2 mar. (Adnkronos Salute) — The ASL 3 of Nuoro communicates the new methods of access to patients in Oral Anticoagulant Therapy (Tao), starting from the Social Health Districts of Sorgono and Macomer. The director of the Analysis Laboratory of the San Francesco Hospital in Nuoro, Maria Cristina Garau, in agreement with the director of Cardiology of the garrison, Mauro Pisano, have taken action to take charge of the patients of the two districts, who will benefit in addition from the cardiological re-evaluation, in particular those subjected to therapeutic paths susceptible to improvement, in the light of the most modern international standards in terms of efficacy and safety, in the sole interest of the patients themselves.This new model of organization of the Tao center allows the specialists of the ASL 3 to re-evaluate all the anticoagulated patients followed in the company. Many of these are still treated in a «sub-optimal» way, with vit inhibitors. K, that is, the «Coumadin» and the «Sintrom». Pharmacological therapies that, currently, are indicated only in selected groups of patients, for example wearers of metal valve prostheses.

Fortunately, today the majority of patients can be treated with direct anticoagulants that, compared to vit. K, have enormous advantages: poor interaction with food, less interaction with drugs, reduction of the risk of major bleeding by 60-70%. The new model allows to optimize, better treat patients, reduce their bleeding risk, improve their quality of life, not forcing them to take frequent samples, and make health spending more efficient.

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/asl-nuoro-operative-le-nuove-modalita-di-assistenza-per-i-pazienti-tao

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