22 февраля, 2020

Medicine, in Florence conference on skin lesions of the lower limbs

Florence, 2 mar. (Adnkronos Health) — The presence of a skin lesion of the lower limb can lead to a marked decline in the quality of life. To understand how to improve the care and assistance to patients with skin lesions, even serious ones, specialists of the Asl Toscana Centro and leading national and international experts met on Saturday 4 March in Florence in the Blue Room of Fuligno (in via Faenza, 40).

The theme of «wound care» is at the center of the conference entitled «Chronic skin lesions of the lower limbs: comparing specialists».It will be chaired by Stefano Michelagnoli, director of the surgical specialist department of the Asl Toscana centro and head of the Vascular Surgery of San Giovanni di Dio, together with the collaborators of his team, Renzo Lombardi, also as scientific director of the Conference and Patrizia Dalla Caneva.

Among the other high-profile national and international professionals, there will be speakers such as Elia Ricci, president of the most important national association regarding lesions, the Italian Association of Chronic Ulcers (AIUC); Monica Pittarello and Klarida Hoxa of the AIUC board; Filippo Magnoni, vascular surgeon of the Maggiore Hospital of Bologna and clinical manager of the PDTA acute and chronic wounds of the Local Health Authority of Bologna; Ferdinando Campitiello, leading expert in dermal substitutes made in the laboratory and used to cover deep ulcers; Paolo Zamboni, vascular surgeon of the highest scientific profile who first studied percutaneous angioplasty (PTA) of the jugular for patients with multiple sclerosis; Simone Serantoni and Luca Gazzabin operating at Villa Fiorita.

«We had a higher than expected adhesion and this flatters us very much – comments Renzo Lombardi – with more than 130 members.Vascular surgery today has extended the concept of the vascular surgeon who deals with diagnostics and revascularization treatment to a professional figure who also deals with injuries, inserting himself within a multidisciplinary team where various specialized medical and nursing figures collaborate to achieve the result «.

The morning is divided into two sections while in the afternoon a single session will be that of the «Wound Care Team». To bring greetings to the room in addition to Michelagnoli, Lombardi and Dalla Caneva, there will also be Giancarlo Landini, president of the Santa Maria Nuova Foundation. The day before the conference, a guided tour of the museum itinerary of the Santa Maria Nuova hospital is organized for the speakers.

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/medicina-a-firenze-convegno-sulle-lesioni-cutanee-degli-arti-inferiori

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