Lucca, 13 Mar. — (Adnkronos Salute) — The conference of mayors of the Piana di Lucca in its session of Friday 10 March shared, giving positive feedback, the reorganization plan of 118, which provides for the presence of a network of rescue vehicles able to guarantee, on 24 hours and 365 days a year, a qualified rescue and in line with the needs of the territory. Also for Lucca the remodulation of 118 will follow the guidelines of regional resolution 1424/2022.
The proposal presented by the ASL in the assembly, which was cleared by the mayors of the Lucca area, will allow to maintain the two PET points with doctor, in Lucca and Turchetto, with the introduction in the Plain of a new automedica, which will make the system even more efficient and modern.
The mayors made the request, non-binding, to provide for a crew composed of doctor, nurse and driver.The ASL already in other territories has in fact implemented, with good results, this innovative experience at regional level, with the presence of the figure of the rescuer with a guide function, made available by voluntary associations.
In addition, all the current ambulances with nurses on board (H24) and ambulances with advanced level rescuers of voluntary associations (H24) will remain.
«The new organization has important strengths – highlights Andrea Nicolini, head of the 118 area – and I refer in particular to the creation of an integrated and differentiated rescue network on three levels: automedical, nursing ambulance and ambulance with advanced level rescuers».
«Another strong point — continues Nicolini — concerns the use of nurses who, thanks to scientifically validated protocols, are able to adequately carry out most emergency interventions. Compared to the ambulance with only the doctor on board, the automedica guarantees the presence of a health team (doctor and nurse) directly on the site of the intervention in the most complicated rescues, a situation that in fact replicates hospital skills on the territory.I am thinking specifically of time-dependent pathologies such as cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction, stroke and polytrauma».
Maria Letizia Casani, general manager of the North-West Tuscany Local Health Authority, after the agreement, also with the local administrators of the Piana di Lucca, declares herself satisfied with the result achieved: «This is an important step towards a more widespread organizational model of the emergency network. The transition with the Mayors’ Conference is part of a path of sharing and participation with all company stakeholders (stakeholders). Precisely because of the importance that the reform will have on the entire system, we immediately set up a specific company working group on the emergency urgency, as indicated by the Tuscany Region, and carried out a process of comparison on the territories. As we had planned, in fact, in February the meetings were held in the individual areas, attended by the company area managers and the members of the voluntary associations and the Red Cross who are part of the local tables.The draft plan, with the specific technical proposals that emerged from the territorial tables with voluntary associations, was then the subject of comparison with the zonal conferences of mayors, which play a fundamental role in this process».
«The reform — concludes the general director of the ASL — aims to redesign a health system able to take into account the changed needs of citizens and the different needs of individual territories, making the system more functional and in line with the times. The participatory style that we are implementing will allow us to make our professionals protagonists in this necessary remodeling».
During the session of the mayors’ conference, the issue of continuity of care (former medical guard) was also analyzed, with a presentation of the new model proposed by the ASL. The administrators of the Piana di Lucca have agreed in principle with the planned remodeling of services, but a new meeting will be necessary to deepen the topic, with particular reference to the new organizational model in which to redeploy the resources of continuity of care and distribution in the individual territorial offices.
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