17 июля, 2020

Rome, at the Bambino Gesù new hi-tech hemodynamic room

Rome, 17 Mar. (Adnkronos Salute) — The most advanced technology currently available to correct heart defects is the ‘flagship’ of the new Hemodynamics room inaugurated today in the Spellman Pavilion of the Bambino Gesù in Rome. It allows you to increase the quality of X-ray images with less radiological exposure and less physical and psychological stress for children. The interventional cardiology unit of the children’s hospital performs about 500 procedures a year for the treatment of congenital heart diseases from newborn to adult — reports a note — including the implantation of pulmonary valves (both expandable with balloon and self-expandable), stent implantation, closure of the Botallo duct in premature newborn, recanalization of obstructed vascular structures.These procedures are minimally invasive, i.e. without the need for surgery with an open chest. Micro cannulas are inserted into the blood vessels leading to the heart. Inside them flows a catheter (flexible tube) that is positioned where there is the problem to be identified or solved. The catheter path is observed and evaluated using X-ray imaging instruments.

The new room provides a very recent innovative technology — continues the note — This allows the acquisition of 3D images in half the time compared to the machines in use today thanks to mechanical arms that rotate 50 degrees per second (instead of 25 degrees) and with more extreme angles to capture greater ins and outs. It guarantees high image quality with minimal patient exposure to radiation. The improvement of image quality, in turn, allows to reduce the time of procedures and therefore the use of anesthesia with less impact on children.

«In the future — says Gianfranco Butera, head of Interventional Cardiology — we plan to introduce further innovations that include the treatment and continuous monitoring of heart failure, the implantation of even larger self-expanding pulmonary valves, the treatment of lung vein pathology, lymphatic vessel dysfunctions in particular related to congenital heart disease, the study of intracardiac pressure curves during cardiac catheterization, advanced treatments in low-weight and premature patients.» The renovation of the room — concludes the note — took a few months and was completed thanks to the joint work of the Health Management, Clinical Engineering, Technical and Administrative Services of the hospital with the technical and nursing staff of the operating sector.

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/roma-al-bambino-gesu-nuova-sala-emodinamica-hi-tech

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