26 июля, 2019

Cimo Sicilia, at risk of closure Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Taormina

Palermo, 16 Mar. (Adnkronos Salute) — At risk of closure the departments of Cardiology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery of the San Vincenzo hospital in Taormina, in Messina. To launch the alarm is the regional secretary of Cimo Sicilia Giuseppe Bonsignore. «The structures of excellence active in the San Vincenzo hospital in Taormina in agreement with the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital in Rome are no longer provided for in the organic plan of the Provincial Health Authority of Messina — he says -.With the favorable opinion of the Sicilian Regional Council to the redetermination of the organic endowment and the three-year plan of the needs of the staff of the Asp of Messina, the activity of the Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery departments active since 2001 within the Pediatric Center established in the San Vincenzo hospital in Taormina could officially be interrupted. The city would thus be robbed of a garrison of excellence».

«Internal and union sources report serious deficiencies in the management of the remodeling, without adequate corrections regarding the continuity of care — adds the trade unionist of hospital doctors -. At present, the health services are, in the absence of communications and provisions from the ASP and the management of the garrison, improperly rendered by medical and nursing staff classified since 2001 in departments — Pediatric Cardiology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery — today no longer provided, with evident repercussions regarding the insurance coverage of the law and the timely identification of the subjects responsible for the activities carried out in a sector officially no longer recognized by the Company».

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