Palermo, 23 mar. (Adnkronos Salute) — The activities of the new pediatric First Intervention Point (PPI) of the Lampedusa polyclinic will start tomorrow at 4.30 pm. «When I visited the island the last time — recalls the president of the Sicilian Region, Renato Schifani — I made a commitment with the population of the Pelagie and, thanks to the intense work of the regional councilor for Health, Giovanna Volo, and the extraordinary commissioner of the Asp of Palermo, Daniela Faraoni, we managed to maintain it in a very short time.The attention of my government to protect the right to health of citizens will always be maximum».
The service will be active 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, for the assistance of children in the pediatric range from 0 to 14 years and, if still assisted by pediatricians of free choice, up to 16 years. It will provide free, non-prescription outpatient care for all ‘low-level’ emergencies (white codes). It will work in support of the PTE (Territorial Emergency Point) for any clinical evaluations and will integrate the other services active 24 hours a day on the island: cardiology, radiology and from next Monday gynecology. In this first phase the services will be ensured by pediatricians who, after the completion of the agreement between Asp of the Sicilian capital and the School of Specialization of the University of Palermo, will be supported by a resident in pediatrics.
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