Berlin (pag) – In a press conference, the Novo Nordisk Foundation shows what good diabetes care can look like using Denmark as an example. There, steno-diabetes centers take over the care. Allan Flyvbjerg, former chairman of Steno in Copenhagen, explains the mission and strategy of these centres.
In short, the concept of Steno Diabetes Centers is value-based, cross-sectoral collaboration.Through public-private partnerships, such as with the foundation of the pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk, the funding of the centres is ensured and a space for innovative research is offered. «In Denmark, we don’t do it better, we do it differently,» says Flyvbjerg. The result is satisfied patients, an 80 percent reduction in diabetes-related amputations, significantly fewer blindnesses and more healthy life years. But what is missing in Germany to be able to follow this example? Flyvbjerg, Prof. Jürgen Wasem from the University of Duisburg-Essen, Prof. Diethelm Tschöpe from the Heart and Diabetes Center NRW and Stephanie Haack, a diabetes blogger herself affected by the disease, talk about this.
There is no ideal health care system. Denmark’s strategy is not transferable due to the higher number of inhabitants and the larger geographical area of Germany. Wasem therefore suggests working in the existing structures of the German health care system and pursuing the goals of shorthand there.Above all, this includes strengthening patient confidence and demonstrating the advantages: transparency, consultation and success bring you closer to the goal. The health system must be better networked, says Tschöpe. The primary treating physicians would have to be in active contact with each other. In addition, those affected by type I and II diabetes should be actively involved in the organization.
Haack would like to see more communication at eye level and individual approaches to treatment. «You have to treat people differently to treat them equally,» says Flybjerg.
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