14 декабря, 2019

Updating of the tables containing the indication of narcotic and psychotropic substances

Ministry of Health

Decree — Official Gazette n.249 of

Update of the tables containing the indication  of  narcotic and psychotropic substances of which  al  decree  del  President  of the Republic 9 October 1990,  n.  309,  e  next  modifications  and integrations. Inclusion in Table I of the  substance  tramadol.Insertion of the  tramadol  between  i  medicinal products  di  which  Annex IIIa and the table of medicinal products  section  A.  Insertion  tramadol in the table of medicinal products section  D  ‘COMPOSITIONS  for administrations other than parenteral use»
                       THE MINISTER OF HEALTH
  Having regard to Articles 2, 13 and 14, 43  comma  4-bis,  del  decree  del
President of the Republic 9 October  1990,  n.  309,  e  next
modifications  bearing:  ‘Text  unique  of  read  in  matter  di
regulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and prevention,
care and rehabilitation of related states  di  drug addiction’,  di
hereinafter referred to as the ‘single text’;
  Having regard to the classification of narcotic substances  e  psychotropic
in five tables named Table I, II, III and IV  e  Table  of
medicines, divided into five sections indicated by the letters A, B,
C, D and E, where they are  distributed  i  medicinal products  in  conformity  ai
criteria for the formation of the Tables referred to in art.14 del  text
unique,  e  the Annex  III-bis,  that   includes   i   medicines   that
benefit from simplified prescriptive modalities  per  la  therapy
of pain;
  Seen, in particular, art. 14, paragraph 1, letters a),  e)  ed  h),
concerning the criteria for the formation of Table I e  della  Table
of medicinal products, Section A and Section D;
  Having regard to the law of 15 March  2010,  n.  38,  bearing  provisions  to ensure access to palliative care and pain therapy;
  Considering that tramadol is a synthetic opioid, that
constitutes the  principle  active  di  drugs  painkillers  of
class of opioids, which to date is not present in the   tables  di
referred to in the Decree of the President of the Republic n.309/1990;
  Taking into account that medicinal products for human use and for  use
veterinarian  in  trade  a  base  di  tramadol   report   such as
therapeutic indications: acute and chronic painful states of  media  e
severe intensity, such as pain  post-surgical,  pain  da  trauma,
pain pertaining to oncology and which are also present  medicinal products
containing tramadol in combination with  other  substances,  quali  IL
, for the treatment of moderate acute pain;
  Taking into account that at the end of the 41st meeting of the Expert  Committee
on Drug Dependence (ECDD), which was held in Geneva since  12  al  16
November 2018, the recommendation of &nbsp was expressed; keep  under
surveillance of tramadol-based medicinal products;
  Given the notes prot.SNAP 8/19 of April 4, 2019 and SNAP 28/19 of 17
September 2019 received from the Unit  di  coordination  del
National system  di  alert  early  del  Department  policies
anti-drugs of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, concerning
alerts of  II  degree  relative  a  four  cases  di  intoxication
associated with the consumption of tramadol (of which three in  subjects  abusers
of new psychoactive substances) on the national territory, in  period
July 2018 — April 2019;
  Considering that the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA),  in  follow-up
to the opinion of the Technical Scientific Commission (CTS) delivered  In the
sitting of the 11th, he arranged for I  holders  di  A.I.C.
that all medicinal products available to the general public, with the exception of
packs for hospital use only, containing  a  opioid  in
any pharmaceutical form, must indicate on the outer label,
so well  visible,  le  following  information  enclosed  in  a
rectangle from color border  red,  how  described  in  follow-up:
«Contains opioid.It can be addictive.’;
  Acquired the opinion of the Higher Institute of  health,  return  with
note  del  4  August  2020  e  del  23  December   2021,   favourable
to include tramadol in Table I of the single text  as well as ‘
the inclusion of tramadol among i  medicinal products  di  which  annex
III-bis of the Decree of the President of the Republic  n.  309/90,  with
insertion  del  tramadol  in  section  A  della   Table   of
medicinal products, and tramadol compositions for administration ad  use
other than parenteral in section D of the same table,
marked with double asterisk  (**),  relative  alle  modalities
simplified prescriptive in pain therapy;
  Having obtained the opinion of the Superior Council of Health, section  V,
expressed at sittings of   e  del  12  April  2022,
in favour of including tramadol in  Table  I  del  text
unique as well as the inclusion of tramadol among i  medicinal products  di  which
in Annex III-bis to the Decree of the President of  Republic  n.
309/1990, with inclusion of tramadol in section A of Table
of medicinal products, and tramadol compositions for administration  ad
non-parenteral use  in  section  D  della  same
table, marked with  double  asterisk  (**),  relative  alle
simplified prescriptive modalities in pain therapy;
  Deemed necessary   proceed  to inclusion  del  tramadol  in
Table I of the consolidated text, to protect access to the   cure  e  of
public health, also in view of cases of intoxication and
seizures reported on the national territory  as well as ‘  the inclusion
of tramadol in the list of medicinal products in the Annex  III-bis
and the updating of the Table of Medicinal Products Section A e  section
  Considering that the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA), with note of
, has  retained  di  dover  predict  a  timing
adequate  to implementation  of  measures  related  alla   new
classification of tramadol by the companies concerned, in order to avoid possible deficiencies  due  a  delays  in the application  del
present decree;

  1. In Table I of the President’s decree  della  Republic  9
October 1990,  n.  309,  e  next  modifications,  e’  inserted,
second  the order  alphabetical,  la   next   substance:   Tramadol
(common name).

                                Art. 2
  1.  In the Annex  III-bis  del  decree   del   President   della
Repubblica 9 October 1990, n.309,  e  next  modifications, 
inserted ‘Tramadol’ in alphabetical order.
  2. In the  Table  dei  medicines,  section  A,  del  decree  del
President of the Republic 9 October  1990,  n.  309,  e  next
modifications, is inserted, marked with a double asterisk (**),
indicating medicines  included  in the Annex  III-bis,  used
in  therapy  del   pain,   second   the order   alphabetical,   il
  3. In the  Table  dei  medicines,  section  D,  del  decree  del
President of the Republic 9 October  1990,  n.  309,  e  next
modifications, is inserted, marked with a double asterisk (**),
indicating medicines  included  in the Annex  III-bis,  used
in  therapy  del   pain,   in   section   «Compositions   for
administrations ad  use  different  da  that  parenteral’,  according to
the alphabetical order, the ‘Tramadol**’.

  1. Persons authorised to manufacture, use, distribute and
dispense of tramadol and human and veterinary medicinal products (based on
tramadol) shall be required to implement  all  le  measures  forecast  from
legislation in force for tabulated substances, in accordance with a  quantum
established  in  present  decree,  within  the  term  di  months  You are
from the entry into force of this decree.
  The  present  decree  entra  in  vigor  the  fifteenth   day
following its publication in the Gazette  Official
of the Italian Republic.
                            The Minister: Hope

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