4 ноября, 2019

European Commission approves dengue virus vaccine


Why this matters

  • The approval was based on clinical trials totaling> 28,000  children and adults, including follow-up data from 4.5  years from the pivotal Phase III study.
  • The vaccine showed after 12  months had a total vaccine efficacy of  80.2 % against symptomatic dengue fever cases and prevented 90.4 % of dengue fever-related hospitalizations.

Key points

  • In the last 20  years the dengue fever incidence has increased 8-fold, and the infection has become endemic in most tropical European overseas countries and territories.
  • Returnees have increased local transmission in previously non-endemic areas, including France, Italy, Germany and Spain, potentially> 26  Millions of Europeans are affected.
  • The vaccine is administered in 2 subcutaneous doses of 0,5 ml at the time points 0 and 3  months.
  • The most commonly reported reactions included in study participants aged 4–60-_ years of injection site pain (50 %), headache (35 %), myalgia (31 %), injection site erythema (27 %), malaise (24 %), asthenia (20 %) and fever (11 %).

Full prescribing information can be found here.

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Source — https://www.univadis.de/viewarticle/europaische-kommission-genehmigt-dengue-virus-impfstoff

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