7 апреля, 2022

DGHO 2022 – Young cancer patients also suffer financial losses

Key messages

In a survey of predominantly female patients suffering from cancer, 2/3 reported financial losses. These amounted to an average of € 500 per month two years after diagnosis.


About 5% of all cancer patients are between 19 and 39 years old. In addition to physical and psychological stress, these people often have to cope with financial problems after therapy.This has been attempted to be quantified in a survey with patients registered in the network of the German Foundation for Young Adults with Cancer.


  • 125 patients (84.8% female) completed the questionnaires on quality of life (Short Form Health 36, SF-36), Generalised Anxiety Disorder Scale-7 (GAD-7) and depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9, PHQ-9), including their current and past financial situation.
  • 65.6% reported financial losses; the monthly average was € 500.
  • Almost all (95%) wanted help and support regarding their financial situation, 71% in the form of counselling and 50% in the form of benefits at work.
  • Moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety disorder showed 35.2%, moderate to severe depressive symptoms 49.6%.


  • Non-representative survey.

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Source — https://www.univadis.de/viewarticle/dgho-2022-junge-krebspatienten-erleiden-auch-finanzielle-verluste

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