18 июля, 2023

Lauterbach and gematik: Opt-out ePA is coming

Berlin (pag) – The electronic patient record (EHR) with opt-out solution can come. gematik receives a resolution from its shareholders to prepare the introduction. Meanwhile, Federal Health Minister Prof. Karl Lauterbach (SPD) announces a draft law.

Until the introduction of the opt-out EHR, however, the National Agency for Digital Medicine still allows itself leeway.»This solution should be in place before the end of this legislative period,» writes gematik in a press release. This means that, theoretically, it can still take until 2025. In this case, opt-out means that all insured persons automatically receive an EHR. If you don’t want that, you can actively object. Following the decision, gematik must now process the test mandate for «four important opt-out dimensions»: the provision of the EHR, access, filling and pseudonymised data transfer for research purposes. The electronic medication plan and the electronic patient summary are also to become part of the EHR.

If the solution is found, «the potential of the electronic patient record can be fully exploited», gematik is bursting with optimism. Her dream: «Medication processes can be better accompanied and duplicate diagnoses avoided. In the future, doctor’s letters and findings will no longer be available in paper form or must be sent by fax or post. Rather, diagnoses and documents from other colleagues can be filed directly after the examination and can be viewed immediately.» In other countries, by the way, this vision has long been a reality.

Meanwhile, Lauterbach also wants to make nails with brains in terms of opt-out ePA.He announced to Handelsblatt: «We will submit a corresponding bill for this fundamental decision in the near future.»

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Source — https://www.univadis.de/viewarticle/lauterbach-und-gematik-opt-out-epa-kommt

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