26 декабря, 2023

Aiop Lombardia, ‘strengthening public-private subsidiarity’

Milan, 15 Feb. (Adnkronos Health) — «The subsidiarity between public and private accredited, confirmed by the recent reform of the regional social-health system with the provision of the equivalence of providers, must be further strengthened with the aim of responding to the needs of patients». This was stated by Dario Beretta, president of the Italian Association of Private Hospitals (Aiop) of Lombardy, in wishing «good work to President Attilio Fontana for the second mandate and for the challenges that the regional social-health service will be called to face in the future.Aiop Lombardia, in close connection with all the actors in the health and life sciences supply chain of Lombardy, represents a strategic interlocutor of the Region. Our contribution in terms of proposals and discussion will be constant and constructive», assures the president.

The numbers of the private accredited in Lombardy are significant, recalls the regional Aiop in a note: out of a total of 220 hospitals, 101 structures are private; there are 14 out of 18 scientific hospitalization and care institutes, with 35% of Italian IRCCS present in the region. There are also 663 social and health facilities and two private universities, while out of 600 clinics 448 are private. «We provide 40% of hospitalization services for Lombard citizens, 50% of outpatient and diagnostic services and 60% of the activity in favor of non-Lombard citizens, with a prevalence of highly complex services — specifies Beretta — Behind the numbers there is of course a sector that can boast thousands of direct employees, without counting all the related industries.In this context, we are convinced that an increasingly broad and structured collaboration is needed to develop innovative services and pathways, also in view of the reform of territorial health, in order to improve the conditions of accessibility and reception of patients».

«The private bodies accredited on this territory — adds the president of Aiop Lombardia — represent a support lever on all the supply structures, territorial-outpatient, emergency-urgency, acute, rehabilitation, day centers, Rsa and Adi» — Integrated home care, «and are able to support a new structure of provision of services with community homes, community hospitals and Cot», Territorial operations centers.

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