Florence, 17 Mar. — (Adnkronos) — «The hardest phase of the Covid pandemic has been put behind us. Now, however, we must give gratitude to the doctors and health personnel who from the first day have been on the front line, taking risks, and never backing down». This was stated by Pietro Dattolo, president of the Order of Doctors and Dentists of Florence and its province, in view of tomorrow when we celebrate National Day in memory of the victims of the coronavirus epidemic.
«We cannot drop praise into rhetoric and allow the «heroes» to be forgotten in the end.The public health system has shown that it is able to respond to the needs of the population even in emergencies. Many doctors fell ill, some severely to death. But the assistance to the population — adds the President of the Order — was not lacking a single day, this is our mission and we will always continue to carry it out with pride and passion. Now, however, it is health care that needs help. It is health care that needs to be heard. We need a plan to rebuild and improve care on the territory, emergency medicine, reduce the working pressure on doctors».
«Like everyone else, today we hope that the pandemic is over, but unfortunately we cannot know what awaits us in the future. We must be prepared to deal with any new crises and potential challenges that may one day recur. We work — concludes Dattolo — immediately to the most precious asset we have, both as individuals and as a community: health».
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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/medici-firenze-adesso-bisogna-dare-riconoscenza-ai-medici-chiamati-eroi