28 января, 2020

Saverino and Burtone (Pd), ‘shortage of doctors in hospitals in Catania, Government intervene’

Palermo, 23 mar. (Adnkronos Salute) — «The Gravina – Santo Pietro di Caltagirone hospital, once a pivotal garrison of reference in the territory, can no longer guarantee punctual and efficient services and levels of care due to dysfunctions and critical issues present for some time in almost all departments, especially due to the lack of health, nursing and support personnel. Immediate measures are needed to protect the right to health, which guarantee all citizens equal access to health services and the appropriate and uniform provision of essential levels of assistance, through the rebalancing of the dislocation of health supply».Ersilia Saverino and Giovanni Burtone, Sicilian regional parliamentarians of the Democratic Party, point the finger at the undersizing in terms of beds and staff of the health centers of Catania and announce the presence at the city assembly organized by the ‘Committee. We support the Gravina Hospital of Caltagirone and the territorial health in the Calatino’, with the patronage of the Municipality of Caltagirone and the Court of the rights of the sick — Caltagirone.

The initiative is scheduled tomorrow, starting at 6 pm in the ‘Mario Scelba’ reception hall of the Town Hall of Caltagirone. «There is a lack of doctors in the areas of emergency urgency, resuscitation and first aid — they say -, an unsustainable situation to which is added the precariousness in other departments, such as internal medicine in which due to the shortage of staff and the contraction of beds the health offer is absolutely inadequate. The criticalities of the Caltagirone hospital are also replicated in other hospitals in the hinterland.In Militello Val di Catania, for example, the health workforce is reduced to 50% and in these conditions it is not possible to guarantee an adequate healthcare offer in terms of quality and quantity. The shortage of doctors and nurses, caused by retirements and never filled with new competitions, in hospitals outside the capital cities and in the internal areas complained of by many general directors — conclude the PD deputies — borders on the paradox and imposes the need for urgent interventions, especially legislative, for the resolution in a short time of the problems and critical issues that affect the right to health by adopting concrete measures, effective and definitive».

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