6 июля, 2021

‘Take care of yourself’, an all-female project in Prato

Prato, 24 Mar. — (Adnkronos) — The project «Cura, ut valeas — Prenditi cura di te», proposed by Fondazione Sandro Pitigliani, Associazione Aurora Donna, Asl Toscana Centro, together with the professionals in aesthetics of Confartigianato Imprese Prato and the tutors of Cna Toscana Centro, was presented in the harpsichord room of the Santo Stefano hospital in Prato.

It is an all-female project dedicated to women who are facing a path of oncological disease.

People who get cancer are increasingly young and engaged in work and social activities.The disease exposes them to changes, often profound, that totally affect their femininity and that have repercussions on the emotional, aesthetic and couple dynamics. Thus emerges the need to take care of all these aspects in a path that focuses on the psychophysical well-being of women.

The aim of the project is to demonstrate the importance of oncology training by aesthetic professionals called to work with women in cancer treatment.

In this sense, Fondazione Pitigliani, Aurora Donna, Asl Toscana Centro with professionals in aesthetics and hairdressers of Confartigianato and the tutors of Cna have planned the organization of laboratories dedicated to patients included in the oncological path to support them in the reacquisition of new securities and awareness, which also pass from the well-being of body and mind.

Alongside the aesthetic professionals there will be a team of psychooncologists who will support patients in dealing with the aesthetic changes that the disease brings with it, learning to re-love themselves by revitalizing the context that surrounds them.

«For a cancer patient to look in the mirror and be able to recognize himself even during the illness is part of the treatment such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, that’s why we care a lot about this project and we hope for a great participation», said Giovannella Pitigliani Sini, president of the Sandro Pitigliano Foundation.

«Once again an important project of which we are proud that again highlights the value of working and planning together with the Associations that have always supported us — added Dr. Sara Melani, medical director of Santo Stefano — In this case it shows that it is necessary to go even beyond the necessary diagnostic, clinical and therapeutic management of the disease in the full awareness that the psychophysical well-being of the patient is also a goal fundamental to achieve».

Dr. Mauro Panella, president of the Aurora Donna Association, who saw the birth of psycho-oncology and testifies how over the years the importance of a 360 ° well-being of the cancer patient has become increasingly affirmed.Confartigianato Imprese Prato and Cna Toscana Centro have involved their professionals in training on oncological aesthetics with a focus on the needs of patients so as to create new professionals in the field of aesthetics and embrace the needs of women who are facing paths such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy or hormone therapy.

«For some time our companies — explains Enzo Lucchesi Coordinator of the Wellness Federation of Confartigianato Imprese Prato — have started a training course that would enable them to approach the customer who is facing a path of oncological disease, in the most appropriate way, understanding their specific needs and requirements. Path that finds its logical location in the project «Care, ut valeas», but that does not want to be a point of arrival, but an important stage in the professional career of these professionals of aesthetics and hairstyle»

The next appointments with the workshops held by the professionals will be on April 17 and May 8 and 15 in the commercial space dedicated to aesthetics at the Santo Stefano Hospital in Prato, while on April 3rd the team of psychooncologists will meet the patients to start the path.

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Source — https://www.univadis.it/viewarticle/prenditi-cura-di-te-un-progetto-tutto-al-femminile-a-prato

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